Common Claim Awareness: Vacant Land Fraud & Prior Mortgages
SE Region Claims Manager Marcie Anthony is back with her annual Claims update. In this video, she covers the common red flags and elements we are seeing in the Vacant Land Forgery scheme. She also covers Prior Mortgages, the reasons for these claims and precautions you can take to avoid them.
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The Elderly & Vulnerable: Preventing Exploitation
Fraud and exploitation of the elderly and vulnerable is an act occurring in a relationship where there is an expectation of trust that may ultimately cause harm. Today’s video examines elderly related scams & red flags to look for during real estate transactions along with important information regarding Florida’s Adult Protective Services.
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Importance of FIRPTA in Today's Marketplace
The Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) is more important now than ever before in today's fraud filled market. Many scams originate outside of the U.S. and are committed by foreign nationals posing as US citizens. Today's video will review steps you can take to catch these scammers.
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Locating PACE Loans
After meeting with a buyer to discuss Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), Holly Homes goes to Tom Title to learn more about these loans. In this video, we discuss what the PACE program covers, when it should be disclosed, how to find and identify PACE loans and what happens if one is found in a search.
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Their Money is Safe with the Good Funds Act!
Chloe has a seller whose concerned about getting his money at closing. Join her as she puts his mind at ease with an explanation of the Good Funds Act.
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How the Vacant Land Fraud Scheme has Evolved
Claims Manager & Counsel Marcie Anthony returns to provide updates on the Vacant Land / Absentee Owner Fraud Scheme. First, we note the latest trends of the scheme and how its elements have changed. Then, we provide characteristics of the scheme to look out for and lastly instruct you on what to do if fraud happens to you.
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Signature Requirements for Homestead
Chloe Closer meets with a first time home buyer to explain what is needed from her when filing for Homestead.
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Filing an Interpleader Action
Interpleader Actions can be complex and costly! It is beneficial to know what to expect if you need to file an interpleader action due to an escrow dispute and how these filings can alleviate risk for the closing agent.
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Municipal Liens: Searching High and Low!
Unlike many other states, Florida attaches liens in a different way. In this video, we will discuss the importance of knowing what a municipal lien is, how to search for them and why this should be a part of your closing process.
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National Security: Checking the OFAC Sanctions List
Chloe has a closing coming up and she still needs to search all parties in the OFAC Sanctions list! Will everyone check out? The Office of Foreign Assests Control administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security. In this video, we discuss who the OFAC is, what their purpose is and the importance of checking their sanctions lists before each closing.
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Establishing Homestead for Tax Benefits
There are great benefits for filing for homestead exemptions that you may not know about, but filing is time sensitive! This video will discuss what homestead status is, the tax breaks and benefits afforded by it as well as the filing process and timeline requirements.
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Filing the 1099-S
One of the Title Agent's responsibilities for most closings is to provide the IRS with information returns and furnish a statement to the seller. In this month's video we review the 1099-S form, what preparation is needed and the timelines that follow.
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Everything You Want to Know About Reverse Mortgages
What Exactly is a Reverse Mortgage? Are they beneficial? As a Title Agent, trying to navigate this type of loan can get daunting. In this Educational Video, we take a look at what a reverse mortgage is and how to handle one if it lands on your desk.
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How to Catch a Forger
The Vacant Land, Foreign / Absentee Owners Scheme is expanding into other states! Luckily, multiple agents have been able to identify and stop these fraudsters before it was too late. In this video, we review this scheme, recap two stories of agents catching these forgers in the act and finish with tips on how you can prevent this from happening to you.
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Identifying Fake Passports
Noticing the differences between an authentic passport and a fake one can be tricky. In this video, we look at the top identifiable zones of a passport, review what elements are often manipulated and discuss where to go for more information based on the country of origin of the passport holder.
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Etiquette at the Closing Table
The closing process can be very stressful for buyers and sellers. In this video, Chloe Closer conducts a closing while giving tips on how to keep the transaction flowing smoothly and how to utilize proper etiquette at the table.
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Identifying Fake FL Driver's Licenses
Todays educational Video will walk through the components of a Florida Driver’s License and some of the most identifiable areas that a fraudster will try to manipulate when creating a fake I.D. for use in a real estate transaction.
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Order Entry: The Information We Need!
When an agent submits a request to Old Republic for a commitment or other title product, this begins the Order Entry process. While there are a variety of unique ways to request orders, the same property information is required. In this Educational Video, we review the Order Entry Process and go over the necessary information we need from you when an order is submitted.
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Deeds & Ownership
This educational video will review the four most common types of Deeds and Ownership. It will discuss the terminology of the different deeds and ownership types, as well as review incorrect ownership information that has been used in a past deed. The agent will gain a better understanding of ownership and deed terminology, how it could impact a transaction and the importance of not giving legal advice to the client.
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Indemnity What?
In this educational video, we define what indemnity is and the various types of indemnification that may be obtained to clear a defect. We will also review the Mutual Indemnification Treaty along with its conditions, limitations and potential benefit.
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Processing Tips: Opening a File
In today's educational video, we will walk through some processing tips for a new file starting with the receipt of the fully executed contract.
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The Closing Update
In this month's Educational Video, we review Schedules A and B of the Title Commitment. We will also touch on insuring the gap and conclude with an overview of Old Republic's update requirements.
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Cyber Crime Insurance Policies & You
Cyber Fraud is up 25% over the past several months and it is not going away! The question is: do you have cyber fraud insurance? It is important to understand the coverage you have and what it means for you as an agent.
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When Wire Fraud Happens to You
This Educational Video will share some statistics on wire fraud in the real estate industry. We also provide tips that you can take should you become aware of the diversion of wired funds for either Seller's proceeds or for the payoff of a mortgage.
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How to Submit a Claim
In this Educational Video, Marcie Anthony will review how to file a claim on an Old Republic Title Insurance policy.
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Policy Typing: Required Documents
In this video you will gain a better understanding of the steps to be taken for policy typing, the required items to complete a policy and the importance of sending in these items so that you may receive your policy’s in a timely manner.
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After the Closing Checklist
Whether you’re entirely new to real estate transactions or transitioning to a new role, this month’s tips will help you prioritize and understand the tasks that should take place after the documents have been signed and the transaction has closed. And once your documents are recorded, you may need to generate jackets! This video will also give you a step by step tutorial on how to use ezJacket through StarsLink.
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Signature Requirements for Individuals
Does homestead apply in this transaction? Who should sign the deed or mortgage? In today's video, we will examine Florida specific signature requirements for both homestead and non-homestead property transactions.
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Phone Etiquette
First impressions can mean the difference between gaining or losing a new client. In today's educational video, we will review best practices for telephone etiquette to help you gain and retain your clients.
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Oh No! It's a Mobile Home
In this month's Educational Video, we will be reviewing what a mobile home is, what needs to be done in order to get a Real Property Sticker, how to retire the title and, finally, close the mobile home transaction.
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Editing a CPL
In this month's Educational Video we will be walking you through the steps to edit your Closing Protection Letters through StarsLink.
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Common Florida Endorsements
In Florida, where the form and content of title insurance policies are promulgated by the state, endorsements are the means by which policy coverage can be expanded, limited, or clarified. Today, we will discuss, how endorsements work and the most common endorsements used in Florida.
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Homestead Filing
Did you buy a new family home? Now is the time to avail yourself of the tax breaks afforded by Florida's homestead laws. Today's video will discuss filing for the Homestead Tax Exemption.
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Municipal Liens
Some local government and municipal liens are granted a special priority in Florida, even over a purchase money mortgage. In today's video, we will review the different types of municipal liens and their attendant priority.
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PACE Program
To encourage homeowners to invest in energy efficient home improvements, some local governments offer special financing options through a program generally referred to as PACE. Today we will discuss the potential issues that can arise when the property in your transaction has a PACE lien.
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How to Read a Survey
Today’s Educational Video will explore reviewing a survey for issues impacting title such as encroachments, setbacks, and easements.
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Associations, Estoppels and the Closing Agent
Today's video will discuss the necessity of and best practices for obtaining information, estoppel certificates, and approvals from homeowners' and condo owners' associations in connection with your closing.
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Avoiding Wire Fraud
Criminals these days no longer have to don a mask and enter a bank to steal money. They just send a few emails and have the money wired directly into their bank account. Today's educational video will provide tips to help identify and avoid wire fraud.
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Signature Requirements and the LLC
Corporate entities, like limited liability companies (“LLCs”), can only act through their agents. Confirming the authority of person to act on behalf of a LLC in a real estate transaction can mean the difference between a proper conveyance and a complete failure of title. Today, we will discuss how to determine who has the authority to sign documents on behalf of a LLC.
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Reply All: Email Etiquette for Business
In today's educational video, Chloe Closer tells us about a time when she received great advice from Tom Title regarding proper etiquette when sending emails in a business setting.
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Contract: Preparing for Closing
This video provides a detailed overview of the FAR/BAR “As Is” Contract for the purpose of preparing for closing. We provide tips for correcting errors or omissions within the Contract, identify important dates and deadlines, discuss available addendums, and potential issues with the escrow deposit and financing terms.
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Introduction to FIRPTA
This educational video introduces the agent to the necessary information, terminology and buyer/seller responsibility associated with a real property transaction involving FIRPTA withholding.
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Practical Tips for RON Closings
In today's Educational Video, we will explore the realities of closing a real estate transaction using remote online notarization (RON). We will discuss common issues and suggest steps you can take to make your RON closings successful.
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The Great Policy Debate
Policy issuance is the last step in the closing process. Today’s educational video, “The Great Policy Debate,” will provide the information necessary to issue policies at the table in accordance with ORT’s and ALTA’s Best Practices Pillar 5 remittance requirements.
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Escrow and the Title Agent: Show Me the Money!
This educational video will explain the importance of having an escrow agreement signed when the earnest money deposit is being held by the closing agent. We will also review the steps to be taken and your role as the closing agent should an escrow dispute arise.
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1031 Exchange Overview
A review of the key aspects of a 1031 exchange and what qualifies as an exchange under the rules set forth by the IRS.
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Reading the Commitment
This training course provides a thorough explanation of Schedule A, B-I and B-II of the title commitment. Examples will be provided of the most common requirements and the procedures to issue a clear and marketable title policy.
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